The Self Publishing Show

Hosted ByMark Dawson & James Blatch

Mark Dawson is a best selling self-published author on multiple platforms including Amazon and Kobo. He is the author of the John Milton thriller series and its spin-off Beatrix Rose. In addition, he’s written several ‘Soho Noir' novels. Mark’s breakthrough came when he developed a marketing strategy for promoting and selling his books. His swift success enabled him to quit his 9 to 5 job and he has generated gross revenues of more than a million dollars in less than five years.

Mark has become a leading voice in the self publishing industry and he advocates and teaches a strategy based around offering books for free, mailing list development and social media advertising. In 2015, he published the first version of what is now his acclaimed online course ‘Advertising for Authors’. He has also developed a course for writers at the start of their careers – Self Publishing 101.

James Blatch co-hosts the podcast and he represents the first time, wannabe author. James is a former BBC News journalist who is currently writing his first novel.

Between them James and Mark explore the world of self publishing with a focus on actionable tips for new and experienced indie authors.

All Episodes

SPF-015: Heading for $1.5m thanks to FB Ads – With Adam Croft

Can you imagine the day that all your efforts at self publishing – the hard work writing, promoting, and planning your books – finally pays off? Today’s episode is one author’s story about how that has finally come about.

SPF-014: Promoting with Bookbub – With Katie Donelan

It’s difficult to talk about marketing for self publishing and indie authors without the name of Bookbub coming into the conversation. That’s because Bookbub is a very effective and powerful platform for getting indie authors notices in the very niche

SPF-013: Masterclass: A detailed look at a book launch – With Mark Dawson

There are many, many things that go into a successful book launch. For a self-published author it can be enough to make your head spin. That’s why it’s such a great thing to have an experienced and successful self published author like Mark to walk yo

SPF-012: How to start really selling books – With John P Logsdon

It’s always beneficial and encouraging to hear from someone who started from nothing and built a successful writing career from the ground up. Even more so, it’s encouraging to hear the story from a person who is following the exact same procedures an

BONUS! Mark Dawson’s Self Publishing Income Report for April 2016

  Why would a successfully self published author like Mark Dawson openly share his income and expenses for his self publishing business? It’s not to brag and not to put himself a peg or two above others. It’s to show you what’s possible….

SPF-011: Everything you always wanted to know about Mailing Lists (but were afraid to ask)

When Mark Dawson first started seeing success as a self published author he was a bit late to the game when it came to interacting with those who were showing interest in his books. The best they could do was to buy his book, read it,

SPF-010: From Indie Publishing to 7 Figure Book Deal, with Bella Andre

Today’s guest is one of the most prolific and hardworking Indie authors out there. All it takes is a glance at Bella Andre’s catalogue to realize that this woman knows how to do what it takes to get books written!

SPF-009: Self Publishing Success through Book Promotions – With Ricci Wolman

The book promotion piece is one of the most vital but neglected aspects of being a self published author. Today’s guest, Ricci Wolman, is not an author herself but IS a marketing specialist who has made a career (and a business) out of helping authors .

SPF-008: Live from the London Book Fair 2016, Part 2 – With Mark Dawson and James Blatch

In the second part of our London Book Fair special, Mark and James get to talk to key providers in the digital publishing space such as Draft2Digital, Reedsy and Byte the Book as well as indie publishing guru and author Joanna Penn.

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