The Self Publishing Show

Hosted ByMark Dawson & James Blatch

Mark Dawson is a best selling self-published author on multiple platforms including Amazon and Kobo. He is the author of the John Milton thriller series and its spin-off Beatrix Rose. In addition, he’s written several ‘Soho Noir' novels. Mark’s breakthrough came when he developed a marketing strategy for promoting and selling his books. His swift success enabled him to quit his 9 to 5 job and he has generated gross revenues of more than a million dollars in less than five years.

Mark has become a leading voice in the self publishing industry and he advocates and teaches a strategy based around offering books for free, mailing list development and social media advertising. In 2015, he published the first version of what is now his acclaimed online course ‘Advertising for Authors’. He has also developed a course for writers at the start of their careers – Self Publishing 101.

James Blatch co-hosts the podcast and he represents the first time, wannabe author. James is a former BBC News journalist who is currently writing his first novel.

Between them James and Mark explore the world of self publishing with a focus on actionable tips for new and experienced indie authors.

All Episodes

SPF-142: The Three Million Book Woman – with L.J.Ross

Million selling author L.J. Ross sits down to talk about taking a leap out of her first career and into writing. Spoiler: it worked out pretty well for her.

SPF-141: Author TV: Building Readership with YouTube – with Garrett Robinson & Antoine Bandele

Video is another way authors can reach out to their audiences and build relationships with new readers. James chats with two authors who are doing just that via YouTube and live streaming service Twitch.

SPF-140: Keeping It Clean with Anne-Marie Meyer

Best selling sweet romance author Anne-Marie Meyer talks about learning the ropes of writing, the importance of nailing your genre, and balancing writing with parenthood and marriage.

SPF-139: BookLab with Gretchen S.B.

In this third edition of the SPF Book Lab, SPF friends Stuart Bache, Bryan Cohen and Jennie Nash put on their white coats and safety glasses to help paranormal romance author Gretchen S.B. improve her cover, book description and narrative structure.

SPF-138: The Indie Publishing House with James & Jeanette Hunter

Husband and wife team, James and Jeanette Hunter, talk to James about getting started as an indie author, learning about book marketing, and then transitioning to publishing others’ books.

SPF-137: Why You Need to be Publishing Audiobooks with Tina Dietz

Tina Dietz explains how audiobooks of your novels can be used to increase income for your author brand – and not just through direct sales.

SPF-136: How to Start That Awesome Author Website – with John Dyer, Stuart Grant & Kraig Mathias

The SPF team look at three key services for hosting and designing an author website that’ll help you sell more books.

SPF -135: The 2018 Indie Author Toolkit – with Mark Dawson

SPF’s very own Mark Dawson provides a rundown of the key tools needed to help make your indie author career a successful one.

SPF-134: A Successful Author Mindset – with Adam Croft

Indie author Adam Croft returns to the podcast to share his thoughts on the importance of mindset for authors, and how the right approach in this department can have a hugely positive effect on a writer’s career and business.

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