The Creative Shift with Dan Blank

Hosted ByDan Blank

Dan Blank interviews writers and artists who have taken the leap from merely dabbling with their creative vision, to becoming successful doers whose work has a positive impact on others.

All Episodes

Great marketing is giving people something they WANT to share (podcast)

There are many writers and creators who think that marketing is the act of getting in someone’s way. Of tricking someone to subscribe to a newsletter by giving them a freebie; using a hashtag to game the social media algorithm to share your work; or po…

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Why should writers worry about marketing at all? (podcast)

Isn’t it enough just to create a great book or work of art? Why would a writer ever have to feel responsible for marketing their own book? Shouldn’t that be the job of the publisher? Let’s dig into this topic.

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Prepare your author platform earlier than you think (podcast)

Regardless of the publishing path you choose, I encourage you to prepare your author platform for sharing your writing or publishing a book way before you think you need it. Like, years before. Today I want to talk about why that is.

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Generosity should be your platform, part 2 (podcast)

Are a writer or creator who feels that you one day want your work to be read/seen? Or you worry you just don’t have the network — the access — to others who create, who engage your ideal readers, and to your ideal readers themselves?

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Anxiety and Sharing (Podcast)

Today I want to talk about the anxiety we feel when we share. So much of the work that I do is to help writers feel a sense of purpose and strategy in sharing their books, their writing, and their mission. But there are often hidden emotions and psycho…

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Rejection is a normal part of the creative journey

Rejection is a normal part of the creative journey Author Fleur Bradley shared this recently: “I would say I have at least 1,000 rejections, though I stopped counting long ago.” Today I want to talk about why rejection is a common part of the creative …

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Can an introvert get good at marketing? (podcast)

Boundaries actually make better art, and help you get better at sharing what you create. We all have boundaries. We all have preferences that feel like they are rules set in stone. The one I run into most often is this: “I have a hard time sharing beca…

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The marketing advice few writers want to hear (podcast)

I’ve asked this question to writers many many times: “Would you prefer people you know buy your book, or strangers.” Their face lights up with unquestioning certainty: “STRANGERS!” But what I often find is that to build momentum in how your creative wo…

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Generosity should be your platform (podcast)

Instead of just recommending a book here and there, instead of just doing a #FollowFriday on Twitter, instead of just linking to someone, what if you gushed about them? What if you celebrated them in a big way? What if you honored what they create?

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