
Overdue is a podcast about the books you've been meaning to read. Join Andrew and Craig each week as they tackle a new title from their backlog. Classic literature, obscure plays, goofy children’s books: they'll read it all, one overdue book at a time.

All Episodes

Ep 012 – Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides

Breaking a three-show “books from circa 1900” streak, Andrew tackles Jeffrey Eugenides’ Pulitzer Prize winning Middlesex, a tale of love, incest, time-jumping, emigration, and hermaphroditism. Like the book itself,...

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Ep 011 – The War of the Worlds, by H. G. Wells

H. G. Wells’ classic “scientific romance” The War of the Worlds is perhaps the earliest known example of Martian invasion fiction. Of course, it’s more than just early science...

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Ep 010 – The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum

You’ve probably seen the movie, but have you read the book? L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz certainly follows the same basic pattern as the (much later)...

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Ep 009 – The Turn of the Screw, by Henry James

What makes a good ghost story? If you said creepy children, gothic architecture, and unreliable narrators, then Henry James has you covered The Turn of the Screw. This week...

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Ep 008 – Dune, by Frank Herbert

Good science fiction uses fantastical characters, locations, and technology to comment intelligently on problems that we face in the real world, but the best science fiction can also do...

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Ep 007 – All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque

Billed as “The Greatest War Novel of All Time” on many a book jacket, All Quiet on the Western Front chronicles one soldier’s harrowing experience in World War I....

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Ep 006 – The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka

How would you and your family react if you awoke one morning changed into a huge bug? In our kafkaesque discussion of Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis, Craig and Andrew talk...

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Ep 005 – Beowulf

What book could possible be more overdue for a read than Beowulf, one of the oldest extant works of Anglo-Saxon literature? Join us as we revel in Beowulf’s heroic...

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Ep 004 – The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown

Here on Overdue, it’s definitely not going to be multi-layered critiques of religion and missives on love and cholera every week. Take this book as a case in point—Dan...

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