Not Now, I’m Reading

Hosted ByKay & Chelsea

Join us once a week to talk about a book of our choice, along with all of the other things we’re reading and loving! When picking media to discuss, our guiding principle is that we want to read things that make us happy. From comics to romance, through science-fiction, young adult, crime or fantasy. If it can be classed as genre fiction, it’s something we’ll gush about.

All Episodes

American Love Story by Adriana Herrera

Hello, listeners! Did y’all miss us?! Chelsea accidentally got too caught up in the debut excitement of our last episode, and jumped the gun a week early. So we’re back today, despite the Internet Gods doing their best to throw alllll the wrenches at us …

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The Write Escape by Charish Reid

Friends, we are both so incredibly excited to be sitting down to talk about our book of the fortnight today, an absolute treat of an id-scratcher, The Write Escape by Charish Reid! This book gave us all the warmest fuzzies about writing, the power of boo…

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What We Read On Our Maternity/Summer Break: Part 2

We’re back, and for the second episode in a row we are awash with media recs for you! So tune in for another stuffed-to-the-gills episode in which we discuss Veronica Mars, , and  – and, of course, rec you all the fanfic (PS: remember when the Archive wo…

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What We Read On Our Maternity/Summer Break: Part 1

Buckle in, friends, because this is only the first of our huge, mega, jam-packed two part catch-up episode covering so many (but still not all) of the media we read/watched/listened to over the course of our maternity leave/summer break! So tune in for d…

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Maternity Madness #3: Hannibal

We’re officially half-way though our maternity madness episodes, y’all, in which we feature some of our favorite older episodes from the vault while Chelsea recovers from baby-having and Kay kicks it with her wonderful family. This week, because Chelsea …

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Maternity Madness #2: AO3 Primer

Welcome, friends, to the second installment of Maternity Madness, our miniseries of flashback episodes while Chelsea recovers from bringing a human into the world and Kay cavorts on a series of low-key summer adventures. Today, we’re bringing y’all our d…

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Maternity Madness #1: Phasma by Delilah S. Dawson

Hello, friends, and welcome to the first installment of what Chelsea is lovingly calling Maternity Madness — a series of vault episodes flashing back on some of our favorite moments from the first three years of podcast! Today we’re going back in time to…

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The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite

In finishing out Pride month here at NNIR headquarters, and as our VERY LAST EPISODE until Chelsea comes back from maternity leave, we’re bringing you guys a discussion of Avon’s first major f/f historical, The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Oliv…

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Hither, Page by Cat Sebastian

Today, we’re kicking off NNIR Pride month by diving back in with one of our favorite authors, who has taken a bit of a detour into a genre we don’t read very often here at podcast HQ – a golden era mystery! Mysteries are not some of Chelsea’s favorites, …

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