Not Now, I’m Reading

Hosted ByKay & Chelsea

Join us once a week to talk about a book of our choice, along with all of the other things we’re reading and loving! When picking media to discuss, our guiding principle is that we want to read things that make us happy. From comics to romance, through science-fiction, young adult, crime or fantasy. If it can be classed as genre fiction, it’s something we’ll gush about.

All Episodes

Headliners by Lucy Parker

Welcome back, y’all, and buckle in because we’re coming together this episode to lose our collective minds over Headliners, the fifth London Celebrities book by Lucy Parker. We’re BIG TIME Lucy fans around here, and we dig into this absolute dream-boat o…

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Winter Break Catch-Up

Hello friends and welcome to our favorite type of episode here at NNIR headquarters — a true grab bag of a media rec episode! We’ve got movies, we’ve got musics, we’ve got The Karate Kid fic?! Oh yes, this time we’ve truly got a bit of something for eve…

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Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn

Welcome to 2020, friends! We’re starting the year off with a bookish bang, the impeccable Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn! This is Chelsea’s first Clayborn, and she absolutely adored it — we both did! Also in this episode: Schitt’s Creek fic, Downton Ab…

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Long Fic with Pru

It’s our last episode of 2019, and it is BY FAR one of the best episodes we’ve ever had. As you’ll hear, Chelsea just about loses her complete damn mind, because today we are talking to podcast professional and fanfic legend Pru (also occasionally known …

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A Very Scary Boxing Day with Ashley

It’s a Boxing Day treat, y’all! Was this episode supposed to go up Monday? YES. Is it all my (Chelsea’s) fault? YES. Are we giving y’all almost 2 hours of horror recs to get you through the post-Christmas lull? YOU BETCHA! We were so thrilled to have our…

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All Things Star Wars with Josie

Well, friends, we have got a MILESTONE for you today! In the two-and-a-half years we’ve been doing this podcast, Chelsea has never had to miss a recording. But, because life in the last few weeks has been the worst, Kay and Josie carried on steadfastly a…

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2019 Media Favorites with Diana

Well, friends, we are officially in the final stretch of 2019 and the decade seems determined to go out on the biggest, shittiest bang possible. If you or someone you love is hurting during this holiday season, we are so sorry y’all. You have our love an…

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Pre-Holiday Catch Up Rec Fest!

Join us once more, friends, for more recs than we know what to do with! Hopefully there will be something in this treasure trove of recommendations to get you through the holiday with a deep breath and a smile (or close to it, anyway). We’ve got IT fic, …

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Not the Girl You Marry by Andie J. Christopher

This week, y’all, we are back with babies, buzzing, and enough IT recs to keep you situated well past spooky month and into the holiday season! We hope you’re all managing to hang in there as best you can, as technical glitches and angry tech gods contin…

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