What Is a 50-Page Edit… and Why Will It Rock Your Story?
The 50-page edit centers us in our story, reminds us of what we’ve already written, and keeps us on track for the next 50 pages.
Helping Writers Become Authors provides writers help in summoning inspiration, crafting solid characters, outlining and structuring novels, and polishing prose. Learn how to write a book and edit it into a story agents will buy and readers will love. (Music intro by Kevin MacLeod.)
The 50-page edit centers us in our story, reminds us of what we’ve already written, and keeps us on track for the next 50 pages.
Don’t jeopardize your characters’ witty dialogue with punctuation and stylistic mistakes.
What if I told you that the best stories are those that feature protagonists and antagonists who share more in common than not?
Writing may be a solitary endeavor, but a writer’s life shouldn’t be.
I’m about to introduce you to the wisest writing mentor you’re ever likely to meet. Yourself.
If you are bold, precise, and definite in your choice of words, your readers will feel the power of your prose.
An overview of subjects and questions to keep in mind as you develop your speculative setting.
Quick, what annoying trait do writers and I Love Lucy share?
Laziness and fear – a writer’s two great nemeses – do their best to keep us stuck in the writing rut.