What The Story Knows Best Really Means
What does this idea that “the story knows best” really mean?
Helping Writers Become Authors provides writers help in summoning inspiration, crafting solid characters, outlining and structuring novels, and polishing prose. Learn how to write a book and edit it into a story agents will buy and readers will love. (Music intro by Kevin MacLeod.)
What does this idea that “the story knows best” really mean?
You might find yourself walking through the yellow caution tape into the pothole of deus ex machina before you realize the danger.
The mark of a truly great author is the ability to write compelling and realistic characters of both genders.
You may be lying to your readers without even realizing it.
The more time we spend studying our craft and the more we learn, the easier it is to lose sight of our own fallibility.
Boredom indicates only apathy. And the apathetic reader won’t be your reader for long.
How do we know which word is the “right” word?
Let’s take a look at some of the common pitfalls of the first-person narrator and how to avoid them.
To cap every story with a happy ending is dishonesty to both ourselves and our readers.