Do Readers See Your Characters the Way You Want Them To?
The wrong choice of just a single word can be enough to give readers a completely different perspective of a character.
Helping Writers Become Authors provides writers help in summoning inspiration, crafting solid characters, outlining and structuring novels, and polishing prose. Learn how to write a book and edit it into a story agents will buy and readers will love. (Music intro by Kevin MacLeod.)
The wrong choice of just a single word can be enough to give readers a completely different perspective of a character.
Which is scarier – writing or lion taming?
The closing line is the one that determines how well your story works – and whether or not your reader will find your story a satisfying experience.
We see a lot of hype these days about books that are too lengthy for agents or editors to consider. But what about books that fall short of the expected word count?
Sometimes too many characters can become way yonder too much of a good thing.
The one thing all readers share is their strong opinions about what makes a book resonate with them.
Opening lines offer authors their first and best opportunity to make a statement about their stories.
A little trick authors can use to make even their darkest anti-heroes sympathetic.
In order for something to happen next, something has to happen to begin with.