Ep. 456: 10 Advantages of Writing a Single-POV Story
Multiple-POV story versus single-POV story? Which is the right choice for you? Knowing which approach to choose is not difficult once you know how to choose.
Helping Writers Become Authors provides writers help in summoning inspiration, crafting solid characters, outlining and structuring novels, and polishing prose. Learn how to write a book and edit it into a story agents will buy and readers will love. (Music intro by Kevin MacLeod.)
Multiple-POV story versus single-POV story? Which is the right choice for you? Knowing which approach to choose is not difficult once you know how to choose.
Today I am sharing my top nine writing goals for this year, with a specific focus on how they impact my entire focus on and journey through life.
Heeding your brain’s natural wiring is the first step in creating your own personalized writing process. You can start by asking these five questions.
Check out my list of the top books of 2018 in three categories: Fiction, Writing How-To, and General Non-Fiction.
On your way to writing an above-average novel, learn how to apply these ten straightforward solutions to common fiction problems.
Stories with large casts of characters offer many challenges. Use these ten important rules of thumb to you help you manage your own teeming call sheets.
Learn how your story’s plot points can be rearranged and strengthened to create a more powerful overall effect for your readers.
Is it possible to start a book with a dream? The answer is yes, but only if you understand the five important principles of successful dream sequences.
Find out how to know when enough is enough in your story by refining your storytelling instincts to to feel whether something is too sparse or too excessive.