Ep. 528: 7 Steps to Stop Overthinking Your Writing
The problem of overthinking your writing is really part of the larger challenge of learning how to live a truly creative lifestyle.
Helping Writers Become Authors provides writers help in summoning inspiration, crafting solid characters, outlining and structuring novels, and polishing prose. Learn how to write a book and edit it into a story agents will buy and readers will love. (Music intro by Kevin MacLeod.)
The problem of overthinking your writing is really part of the larger challenge of learning how to live a truly creative lifestyle.
Scene sequences bring together a series of individual scenes into a distinct narrative section, united by focus, location, and/or theme.
Growing as a writer is not merely about mastering a skill, but also, and more pertinently, about our growth as human beings.
An overview of chiastic story structure itself, along with four tips to employ this technique over the longer work of an entire series.
How can you keep your pacing tight and the story interesting over the long haul of the Second Act? The simplest answer: Mind the Midpoint.
Learn to identify and leverage several important story structure similarities between your story’s Pinch Points.
Deepen your understanding of story structure by examining the parallel functions of the First Plot Point and the Third Plot Point.
You can think of the link between your story’s Hook and Resolution in four different ways. Ask these questions to help in brainstorming.
Structurally speaking, the Inciting Event initiates the story’s conflict, while the Climactic Moment fully resolves it.