Go Publish Yourself: An IngramSpark Podcast

Hosted ByRobin Cutler & Justine Bylo

Join us as we explore trending topics, discuss publishing industry news, and share expertise on how to self-publish a book successfully. IngramSpark’s Director Robin Cutler and Manager of IngramSpark’s Author Acquisition Program Justine Bylo will be joined by publishers and experts throughout essential fields in the publishing industry to provide you with self-publishing resources. These short episodes are an easy way to gain quick insights on how to self-publish your book. Visit www.ingramspark.com for more information.

All Episodes

The Business of Publishing with Brooke Warner

Publishing expert, Brooke Warner, joins Robin Cutler to discuss the differences between indie, hybrid, and traditional publishing.

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Author Websites: A Conversation with the Founder of Pub Site

Web design expert, John Burke, joins Robin Cutler to discuss the importance of author websites!

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Top 11 Self-Publishing Mistakes

Robin Cutler and Justine Bylo are back for Season 4 of Go Publish Yourself!

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Secrets to Writing Romance: Spotlight on Julie Kenner

From a successful lawyer to the bestselling author of the Stark series, J.Kenner shares her secrets for writing bestselling romance novels.

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Writing Comedy Books: Spotlight on Mike Sacks

Mike Sacks likes to write stories that are outside of the box, and for that reason, has found success self-publishing his comedy books.

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Diversity in Publishing: Spotlight on Crystal Swain-Bates

Crystal Swain-Bates, bestselling children’s book author and former CIA employee, joins Justine to chat about diversity in publishing.

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Creative Writing for YA: Spotlight on Rebecca Donovan

Bestselling YA author Rebecca Donovan joins us to discuss the creative writing process.

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Publishing with a Global Mindset: Spotlight on Adam Croft

We’re kicking off the Author Spotlight with Adam Croft, international bestselling writer of crime fiction!

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The Reality of Selling to Bookstores and Libraries with Amy Collins

It’s pretty obvious that your self-published book needs to have high quality writing and packaging to be sold in bookstores and libraries–but do you know about the unique features that really matter to booksellers and librarians?

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