Bookreporter Talks To

Hosted ByCarol Fitzgerald

“Bookreporter Talks To” is a podcast from The Book Report Network where we host in-depth conversations with authors about the books that we love. We know authors cannot travel everywhere, so we want to bring them to you, wherever YOU may be.

All Episodes

Bookaccino Book Club: Amanda Peters

Amanda Peters joined us for October’s “Bookaccino Live” Book Group to discuss THE BERRY PICKERS, which was the 2023 Barnes & Noble Discover Prize winner and was awarded the 2024 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction. It also was a…

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Susan Rieger: Like Mother, Like Mother

Susan Rieger joins Carol Fitzgerald to talk about her latest novel, LIKE MOTHER, LIKE MOTHER, which is a Bookreporter Bets On selection. She shares what drove her to write this book and why it is structured as a mystery, with the feel of literary…

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Jean Hanff Korelitz: The Sequel

Jean Hanff Korelitz joins Carol Fitzgerald to talk about her latest book, THE SEQUEL, the appropriately titled follow-up to THE PLOT. In it, Anna, the widow of Jacob Finch Bonner, is enjoying the riches of being a literary widow and has written a…

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Bookaccino Book Club: Shelley Read

Shelley Read was our guest for September’s “Bookaccino Live” Book Group. As this was a book group-style program, we did talk spoilers. Four audience members joined us to ask her questions, all of which looked at GO AS A RIVER from different…

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Laura Dave: The Night We Lost Him

Laura Dave talks to Carol Fitzgerald about her latest novel, THE NIGHT WE LOST HIM, which is a Bookreporter Bets On selection. At the heart of this story is a secret that has been hidden for years — one that may have caused the death of Liam…

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Chris Whitaker: All The Colors of The Dark

Chris Whitaker joins Carol Fitzgerald to talk about his New York Times bestseller, ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK, which is a Bookreporter Bets On selection. Chris explains how he developed the book by spending a year writing just dialogue to get a…

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T.J. Newman: Worst Case Scenario

T.J. Newman joins Carol Fitzgerald to talk about WORST CASE SCENARIO, her third thriller to be a Bookreporter Bets On selection (following FALLING and DROWNING). T.J. shares how she came up with the idea for this book and the research that…

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Dawn Tripp: Jackie

Dawn Tripp joins Carol Fitzgerald to talk about her book, JACKIE, a Bookreporter Bets On pick that novelizes the life of the legendary Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. A rare photograph, which became the cover of the book,…

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Amy Neff: The Days I Loved You Most

Amy Neff joins Carol Fitzgerald to discuss THE DAYS I LOVED YOU MOST, which is a Bookreporter Bets On selection. Amy talks about her 10-year journey to write this beautiful debut novel and the influences that she had for it. She…

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