Black Chick Lit

Hosted ByDanielle & Mollie

Black Chick Lit is a twice-monthly podcast that talks books by and for black women. Join Dani and Mollie as they talk prose, drink wine and laugh at their own jokes.

All Episodes

BCL Chat: A Chat with Beverly Jenkins!

It’s finally here! We got to speak with the Queen of Black Historicals herself, Beverly Jenkins, and it was a blast. It’s easy to see where Loreli’s feistiness comes from.
We ask her about her place in the romance genre, her writing pro

Episode 26: A Chance A Love

BCL Chat: Our 2019 Resolutions

Happy New Year! Our first episode of 2019 is a chatty one as we share our 2019 reading and writing resolutions, as well as our goals for the podcast. (more…)

Episode 25: Addicted, Part 2

We’re back for round two of Zane’s Addicted, and the second half is as incomprehensible as the first.

Episode 25: Addicted, Part 1

This is it, y’all. This is the episode that broke us.

BCL Chat: We’re So Done with You, 2018

2018 was both the longest and the shortest year imaginable. We saw Black Panther. We mocked the Tide-Pod Challenge. And we read books. So many books.

Episode 24: The Good House

We’re back! And just in time to miss Halloween.


BCL Chat: 20 Questions with Black Chick Lit

This month, we decided to ask ourselves a few of our own questions: What are our goals for the podcast? How did we meet? What’s our favorite Powerline song? (Spoiler alert: It’s “Stand Out.”)

Episode 23: Meet Addy

We were feeling nostalgic, so this month, we decided to go back and check out our favorite kid lit titles. And if you were a little girl who loved books in the 90s, you loved the American Girl series.


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