88 Cups of Tea

Love all things upbeat, warm, and uplifting? Welcome to 88 Cups of Tea, an online platform and podcast for creative writers who look for guidance in their storytelling journey and connection to a community, fostering year-round conversations around the personal and professional life of a writer. Our podcast episodes and online essays and articles explore and unpack conversations that touch on topics like overcoming rejections and challenges, querying tips and crafting advice, lifestyle habits that support the heart and the soul, what it means to be Human while navigating a creative path, and more. We pride ourselves in nurturing a supportive environment that aims to encourage, inspire, and entertain. Check out our website 88cupsoftea.com for essays, articles, and access to nearly 200 podcast episodes!

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HOLLY BLACK: Navigating The World of Contemporary Fantasy & Finding Your Community

If you’d love to keep 88 Cups of Tea going strong, please consider supporting us through our Patreon membership. We added EARLY ACCESS TO INTERVIEWS for our Super Storyteller patrons in the $8.88 tier. Your kind support at any of our tiers is so…

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E. LOCKHART: Creating Emotional Resonance & Doing The Work

E. Lockhart is the author of the New York Times bestseller “We Were Liars”.  In this episode, we dig deep into her newest novel, “Genuine Fraud”, where you’ll learn about the inspiration behind the book and its main characters. She…

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