Walter Bachinski on his Shanty Bay Press
Shanty Bay Press was established in Shanty Bay, Ontario, in 1996 as a private press devoted to publishing livres d’artistes in which the texts and the illustrations accompanying them would have equal weight in the design of the books.
The press is a partnership: the type-setting, presswork and binding are the work of Janis Butler, the illustrations are by Walter Bachinski, and the editorial, design and publishing decisions are shared. The press’s equipment includes a Vandercook SP20, Vandercook Universal 1, double crown Washington hand press (1836),an etching press, and a growing collection of type.
I visited the Press to talk with its proprietors, starting with Walter Bachinski. Â We cover a lot of ground, including personal history, the history of the press, fine press book illustration, design and composition, love of books and book collecting. Â