eBooks have completely revolutionized the way we consume content. Now, it’s possible to read about anything you could possibly want to at the touch of a button. That’s pretty cool if you ask us! They’re particularly great tools for figuring out how to do new things. Whether you want to learn about how to cook a new dish, how to learn a language or how to gamble, there will certainly be an eBook out there for you. If it’s the latter you are after, you can learn all the techniques of poker and blackjack under the sun. However, there’s not much that can be said for slots. These are totally random, and that’s part of the beauty of them! Check out the best slots, including Book of Dead, now. Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the best eBooks you can download to learn new skills. And, if you don’t have an eReader already, we’ll recommend a few of those as well. Don’t go anywhere!
The best eBooks to read for new skills
What better to do with your free time than to learn some new skills? These days, it could not be easier thanks to the magic of eBooks. If you’re interested in picking up some skills but struggling for inspiration as to what to learn or what to read, we’ve got a few tips right here:
● Rosetta Stone: This series of books is widely regarded as the best out there for learning a new language. Seriously, they’re amazing! With a wide range of books covering a variety of languages, you couldn’t have a better reason to brush up on your French or German or try out some Japanese or Russian than this particular tool.
● The Intelligent Guide to Casino Gaming: Casino games can be considered a bit of a dark art and a lot of us envy and admire those who are amazing at poker, blackjack and similar games. You can try your hand at honing your skill with this amazing book covering all aspects of gambling.
● The First 20 Hours: Here’s one for learning how to… learn. That’s right, this book teaches you all the techniques you’ll need to pick up new skills as quickly as possible. For that reason, it is a very valuable resource and one that we would recommend to literally anyone. This is a great place to start your eBook learning journey.
Some of the finest eReaders
Everything kicked off with the Amazon Kindle several years ago, but these days, there are a lot more eReaders on the market for you to choose from. Here are a few of our favorites outside of the Amazon offering that you can pick up right now:
● Haoqing Meebook P78 Pro: if you’re looking for a versatile and multifunctional eBook then look no further than what the brand-new company Haoqing has to offer. This one does a bit of everything! For more information on this device, check out our Haoqing Meebook review.
● Apple iPad: These days, the iPad is a lot cheaper at its base price than it used to be. Yes, you read that correctly! You can pick one up for lower than ever. So, Apple is now technically in the affordable eReader market. Plus, you get all the luxuries of owning an Apple product, including iOS, which in turn gives you access to the App Store.
● Kobo Clara HD: The Clara is widely considered to be the best eBook out there. Why? Because it just does everything so well. It’s affordable, it has a great battery life, it has a lovely display and a selection of nice functions. Truly, this one is a beauty for those who are looking for a serious eReader. You could learn a lot on this thing!
Last thoughts on eBooks for new skills
What an amazing time we live in. You no longer need to go to the store to buy a book, or even order one online, when you want to really dedicate your time to learning a new skill. Sure, there are plenty of guides online that will show you how to do certain things, but if you really want to perfect a craft, you’re going to need to read a little deeper than that.
That’s where eBooks come in. They’re super portable — you can download 1000s onto a single device, they’re efficient and they’re eco-friendly. So, next time you want to learn a new skill, consider the books and readers we have recommended in this article!
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The post The best eBooks for learning new skills first appeared on Good e-Reader.