Tess is her Name by Michail Mulvey

Today’s show features our Fall Contest Third Place winner, Tess is her Name, by Michail Mulvey. Prose contest judge Katie McDougall said “With a voice that sings with subtle characterization and musicality, the narrator suggests “in-between” lives of his neighbors below and above, ultimately illuminating his own lonesomeness, a pining for meaning and connection. The author masters the art of flash fiction; short in length, Tess is her Name is expansive in aboutness.” Michail was unable to participate in our interview, so after the reading, Melissa and JW discuss Michail Mulvey’s background and how it relates to this flash piece. Melissa and JW also discuss the merits of NaNoWriMo, Writers Groups, some of the writing resources they’ve used over the years, and most importantly, how to sign-up for Melissa’s weekly newsletter and Onyx Publications’ mailing list! If you’d like to read this story or learn more about Michail Mulvey, head over to Etched Onyx Magazine at www.onyxpublications.com. All audio, poetry, and story material are copyright 2022, all rights reserved.

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