Richard Katrovas on Creative Writing Programs and Publishing First Books

I’m in Prague for the Summer. Going to be participating in one of the world’s leading creative writing programs. I interviewed its founder Richard Katrovas. 

Why listen to Richard? Having run the Prague Summer Program for Writers for more than two decades, he knows a lot about the process of teaching creative writing; plus he knows karate.

We talk about listening and critiquing artfully, not fucking with style, the formalization of a sense of literary community; counter-culture, the literary conversation, literary communities in different epochs, communal writing, work-shopping, the genius of the English language incorporating other languages, publishing first books, validation, the importance of self-esteem and personal prestige, the desire for social relevance, Ernest Becker; ‘who touches a book touches a man,’ book fetishes, the weirdness of poetry and Prague, ripping off books, living in the Projects, and much more. 

This is part one of the conversation. I’ll conduct part two once I’ve gone through the wringer. 

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