Come along with us (and special guest Angela!) to the Lost City of D for our discussion of the new film “The Lost City,” starring Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum. We talk about romance book tropes on screen, our favorite funny moments, the appeal of the himbo, why Daniel Radcliffe and Brad Pitt are fantastic, and why “fun” is a perfectly fine measure of how good a book is. Next we read some listener feedback for “No Exit” and catch up with what’s on the blog. Read along for our next Bookpisode on “Reprieve” by James Han Mattson on April 18th. And then get ready for our “Weekend at Bernie’s” Othersode (it’s really happening!) on May 2nd. Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe!
:30 – Welcome Angela Ferraguto! What’s your favorite rom-com?
16:15 – This episode is about “The Lost City,” btw
18:00 – What romance tropes did you enjoy?
29:50 – Was this funny? Do we love Daniel Radcliffe and Brad Pitt? Yes.
42:21 – “Himbos are having a real moment right now.”
48:50 – People should be able to enjoy things! Genre and “shlock”
1:02:50 – Ratings
1:06:45 – Favorite scenes or lines
1:15:18 – “No Exit” feedback
1:17:30 – What’s on the blog? What’s up next?
Find Angela at @magnafarta on Twitter and Instagram! You can also check out her extensive Letterboxd rankings under the same name.