Major Spoilers Comic Book Podcast

The podcast for pop culture and comic book fans. Each week the panel of comic book enthusiasts take a look at current titles, collected trades, and give their take on current pop culture news.

MSP#111: Dungeons and Dragons Crawl Part III: In the Streets of Moonhold

Major Spoilers Dungeon Crawl Part Three

This issue: Orem ventures into the world of Man, where he encounters someone and something not quite human as the Eladrin attempts to track down his missing instructor.

If you aren’t familiar with the 4th edition of D&D, you might want to check out Major Spoilers Podcast #28 and Major Spoilers Podcast #89

Missed Part One? Dramatis Personae!

Missed Part Two? Graduation Day!

Come back tomorrow for the next installment of this MSP D&D Extravaganza!

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