Modos Paper Laptop will be the first laptop with an E Ink display

How about a laptop with an E Ink display? Just such a thing is reported to be in the works under the aegis of someone that Hacker.Io referred to as Alexander Soto. However, such a device won’t be targeted at the mass market. Instead, the Modos paper Laptop, as it is bring referred to at the moment is going to be best suited for the sole purpose of reading and writing. That way, it is never going to be a replacement for conventional laptop devices. Rather, the Modos Paper Laptop is only going to suffice for those who need to read and write a lot. That includes writers, researchers, students, programmers, or maybe even those in the legal profession who have to go through lengthy legal papers.

The highlight of the laptop is of course going to be the large E Ink display with the attached keyboard. Powering the entire setup is going to be the Amlogic A311D hexa-core SoC which is also known for being quite frugal on battery power. As it is, E Ink displays are already extremely power efficient given that it draws battery power only when the page refreshes. All of this should ensure the Modos Paper Laptop to have battery backup that could last days or maybe an entire week as well.

Also, while the concept might sound outrageous, it isn’t entirely without a precedent though. Earlier, we have seen Pixel Qi offering its e-paper display in various size options for aftermarket fitment on laptop devices. That the company faded into obscurity soon after is another thing but it’s good to see someone picking things up in this space even if there has been more than a decade in between.

As for the current status, the Modos Paper Laptop is very much a concept even though they have a working prototype where an E Ink display and the associated paraphernalia are put together within the chassis of an old IBM ThinkPad device. This might well serve the purpose of a technology demonstrator so that the final product could very well be different from the prototype here. In fact, we do wish the final thing, if it indeed reaches a stage of fruition, turns out to be something that’s really cool and stylish, maybe in the tablet form factor with the ability to hook on to a detachable keyboard.

Also, while the present status is unknown, last heard, Soto was known to be actively recruiting engineers and other supporting staff to bring this to a reality. Soto also said it could take about a year for the Modos Paper Laptop to be ready. Let’s hope that becomes a reality, and that it happens soon enough.

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The post Modos Paper Laptop will be the first laptop with an E Ink display first appeared on Good e-Reader.

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