What’s not to like here? Marius Kociejowski is charming, erudite and funny. Why should you listen to him? He’s just written a memoir about the soul of the book trade. What happens in bookstores doesn’t happen elsewhere he says. The multifariousness of human nature is more on show here than anywhere else, he says, and ”I think it’s because of books, what they are, what they release in ourselves, and what they become when we make them magnets to our desires.” The memoir is called A Factotum in the Book Trade. We talk about it and the lives of the booksellers, collectors and characters Marius has lived with for close to five decades. He reveals secrets and describes feuds. He gives us a wonderful feel for the workings of the London Antiquarian book trade over the past fifty years. Bertram and Anthony Rota, Bernard and Martin Stone, Bill Hoffer, Peter Ellis, Raymond Danowski. They’re all here. Have a listen. (speaking of which, listening that is, thank you so much to all of you who have so loyally listened to my podcast over the years. Your attention, feedback, and friendship, has meant a great deal to me. No, I’m not quitting. Just want to express my gratitude).