Major Spoilers Comic Book Podcast

The podcast for pop culture and comic book fans. Each week the panel of comic book enthusiasts take a look at current titles, collected trades, and give their take on current pop culture news.

Major Spoilers Zeta (06): KRAK-A-DOOOOOM!

Marvel's Thor is reviewed in this issue of the Major Spoilers Podcast

Bryan is MIA this week so it is up to Rodrigo and Stephen to review Thor #1-6, War is Hell: The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle #1, The Foundation #3, and a whole lot more!


1) Clone Wars Animated Movie and Live-Action Series

Rodrigo and Stephen give their takes on the announcements, with Stephen urging openness when it comes to the live action show.


2) Hulk Trailer Online

Rodrigo digs the action, Stephen thinks the trailer gives too much away.

3) Legion of Super-Heroes Ending on Kids’ WB!


Review: The Foundation #3

Stephen reviews the third issue of the Foundation from Boom! Studios, and likes it very much. There are still some art issues, and the pacing is a bit slow in places, but when the good parts arrive – look out!

Review: War is Hell: The First Flight of the Phantom Eagle

Rodrigo take a look at the first issue of Marvel’s Phantom Eagle. It certainly isn’t the same Phantom Eagle from the Golden and Silver Ages of comics. A gritty look at the first world war and the pilots that flew in it.

Review: Pendant Productions Batman: Ace of Detectives

Instead of reading comics all day, listeners may want to check out radio dramas with superhero bent. Pendant Productions spins tales of the current incarnation of Batman and company into serialized radio dramas. Stephen and Rodrigo both think the radio dramas need work – especially in the area of voice acting, but true fans might enjoy listening to the two plus years o shows.



Even with Bryan absent, he still has time to ask the question,

Are you a Marvel, or are you a DC?

Take the Poll!


A new segment is introduced this week, where Rodrigo examines common comic terms and the panel gives examples of how it is used.

This week’s word is RETCON.

Review: Thor #1-6 (and 7)

The podcasting duo examine the first six issues of Marvel’s Thor, pointing out some of their most favorite and least favorite moments from the series. Rodrigo wonders why the host bodies of the Asgardians are all white, Stephen loves the special moments between the Norse gods and the town folk from Oklahoma, and they both think this is a great series that follows the Hero’s Journey.

They also take a moment to talk about issue #7 and the relationship between Thor and Odin, and how the son must kill the father.

Music from this episode comes from Ookla the Mok. You can visit them on the web at and purchase their music at the iTunes Music Store.

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