Issue 010: Back (like Jean Grey… no matter what)
Guess who’s back? Awwwww yeah.
Psst… have you joined the Secret Superhero Club Facebook group yet? It’s here: Secret Superhero Club podcast network!
Instagram Comic Family Feature: @peterparkercomix
Current Issues:
- Suicide Squad is next month!
- Civil War II and Batman are selling like crazy
- The Killing Joke in theaters
- Rogue One Trailer
- Star Wars Celebration online
- I’m on Cloud City Cast talking about Finding Dory!
What We’re Reading:
- Steve Rogers: Captain America 2
- The Heroic Age
- Fear Itself
- The Walking Dead Vol. 3
- Spider-Man/Deadpool 6
What’s That Mean?:
- I talk all about Astonishing X-Men