Huawei MatePad Straddles E-Reader and Tablet Line: Is Being Half One Thing and Half the Other Viable?

The Huawei MatePad has been reviewed as a great tablet in some articles and an equally good e-reader, some even say a superior e-reader. But is that what it is? Depending on the model, the MatePad can do everything from write and take notes to play music and host social media like every other tablet on the market.

But does being half of two things create one whole? In this instance, we aren’t sure. Read our guide to find out.


The obvious answer to the question posed in the title is that being “half” of any two things, means you aren’t getting a full version of either. You could say that this isn’t the case with the Huawei MatePad, but then an e-reader application is so commonplace that you can add it to just about any device. Your smartwatch can be an e-reader with an app. It wouldn’t make for fun reading, but it’s doable.

However, the MatePad in particular boasts that you can “read better” with the Huawei line. The MatePad Paper, in particular makes a point of trying to replicate, well, paper, as best it can, ensuring a “paper-like experience” that you can read clearly and write on well.

With the e-reader element being so simple to implement, instead you need to look at the tablet as a whole to establish whether you have two good things rather than two half measures. And as far as that goes, the MatePad line has some great reviews across the board. They’re more affordable than any iPad, a lot of them come with a stylus and the ability to write on them, you can play some of the best games and watch all the latest movies, and there are kids editions available.

But maybe you don’t want that when you’re reading? e-readers, after all, are still on the market despite the rise in tablets and smart gadgets. Maybe that has something to do with the desire to simply shut out the rest of the internet when you have a book – or an e-reader – in your hand. All the notifications interrupting you with updates of what is going on in the world is the job of your phone, and that’s on silent on your nightstand.


Who doesn’t love an all-in-one item? Tablets came about as an offshoot of e-readers to begin with. “You want a kindle that can also play your music, then play games on, then chat on social media on” and before you know it the e-reader is delegated to an app that you can install onto anything.

And investing in the all-in-one item can have you avoiding a costly mistake. You can’t really “try out” an e-reader. You buy it and either find you like reading on a tablet or you don’t. You miss the physical feel of paper, or the brightness gives you a headache, whatever the case you’ve now got an e-reader. If it doesn’t have the capabilities of a tablet and the features of a tablet and you don’t like its e-reader capabilities, you’ve only purchased a very expensive paperweight.


So going for an e-reader that can do it all can be the right choice for some people. If you’re looking to do more with your e-reader, the Huawei MatePad is a great option.

The post Huawei MatePad Straddles E-Reader and Tablet Line: Is Being Half One Thing and Half the Other Viable? first appeared on Good e-Reader.

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