How to Choose a Title For Your Novel
Choosing a title for your novel can be incredibly difficult. Although we want our book titles to be unique and clever, this isn’t necessarily the best way to sell books. The title of your book shouldn’t be an afterthought. It’s one of the most important aspects of your book if you want to sell copies to the right readers. Today, we’ll talk about what makes a good title, what you should avoid, and offer some tips on how to get there.
The Career Author Podcast is a podcast where co-authors J. Thorn and Zach Bohannon share their struggles and successes as full-time authors, advice for improving your writing craft, and honest discussions of what it takes to build a successful career as an author.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- That your title should say what your story is about, but also needs to sell your book.
- That your title shouldn’t be vague and/or artistic.
- That your title should indicate genre.
- How to make your title recognizable and unique using Google word cloud searches and Publisher Rocket.
- How less can be more when it comes to titles.
- Why word choice matters and how those words can convey genre and tone.
- The way you can create double-meaning on theme.
- Why your cover, title, and synopsis are so critical to selling books.
Also, discover why Zach and J. think Ryan Holiday’s book is a must-read.
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