Not Now, I’m Reading

Hosted ByKay & Chelsea

Join us once a week to talk about a book of our choice, along with all of the other things we’re reading and loving! When picking media to discuss, our guiding principle is that we want to read things that make us happy. From comics to romance, through science-fiction, young adult, crime or fantasy. If it can be classed as genre fiction, it’s something we’ll gush about.

Headliners by Lucy Parker

Welcome back, y’all, and buckle in because we’re coming together this episode to lose our collective minds over Headlinersthe fifth London Celebrities book by Lucy Parker. We’re BIG TIME Lucy fans around here, and we dig into this absolute dream-boat of an enemies to lovers book after talking public domain audiobooks, Shameless fic, and the world’s briefest Oscars 2020 roundup (spoiler alert: we mostly don’t give a shit, go check out Overinvested instead)


Headliners by Lucy Parker

The Austen Playbook by Lucky Parker

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, narrated by Dan Stevens

Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott, narrated by CM Hebert

Ourselves and Immortality by ETraytin

Gentle-Sharp and Strange by Lisztful

Temptation by out_there


Two-World Collided by storieswelove

You’re So Fine You Blow My Mind (Hey Mickey) by kyloskummies

Pot O’ Gold by ahurston

just a little while by olivebranchesandredwine

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