Regular listeners know that I’m obsessed with PickFu, a software that, in technical terms, provides actionable pre-launch feedback on creative options. (How obsessed? I never had ads on the podcast because I wanted to wait until there was something I loved so much that I could recommend it without reservations. And, well, PickFu is it!)
That’s why I was delighted to welcome PickFu’s co-creator John Li onto the show. And it’s also why I’m delighted to use PickFu to get feedback on my covers, titles, book descriptions and Amazon book pages, among many other things. Yes, you can go onto PickFu set up a poll and ask between 50 and 500 people—hand-selected based on interests, income and thousands of other options—for feedback. This isn’t “Yeah, that’s good” feedback either; it’s feedback that people who want to participate in polling are being compensated to do—millions and millions of people, as it turns out.
In this episode, John walks us through how PickFu started, the craziest things it’s used for and why someone with no need for an income would want to participate in something like polls.
Listen in and my God, if you know what’s good for you, please give PickFu a try. If you use the code, you’ll get 50% off your first poll!