Episode 341 – Social Media Etiquette, Launch Size, and Scandinavian Subscriptions
It’s Bryans birthday! This week we have a great show for you don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcast. This week’s winner is Pockets McGee. Thank you to our featured Patrons – The Life of Magdaline Slatewood, The Reluctant Detective, and How to Write Manga. Top Tips of the week include what 5 rules every author should know when it comes to social media, how to expand your income with premium products, and what free indie author conference is coming up. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include why Barnes & Noble’s Nook library is down, whats new with KDP, why you should look into digital streaming, how to figure out what kind of launch best suits you as an author, and what Facebook is adding to Admin Assist. Question of the Week: What part of your automated marketing or online presence might benefit from adding a little human touch to it?