The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

Hosted ByBryan Cohen & H. Claire Taylor

Authors, are you struggling to get the word out about your books? Discover the latest book marketing and publishing news, tools and strategies. This is the Sell More Books Show with Jim Kukral and Bryan Cohen. Every week you'll get helpful tips and ideas to make your book sales soar. Visit for detailed show notes and more info.

Episode 335 – Up-Standing Writers, Camouflage Covers, and Subscription Audiobooks

This week we get to hear about Claire’s new Super Charge Your Story Course that just launched so be sure to check it out. Don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcast. This week’s Super Charger Story Course Winner is Dave Core. Thank you to our featured Patrons – Not Write Now, Kept In The Dark, and Excelsior. Top Tips of the week include what four things you need for a perfect cover, why Apple Books is promoting “First in a Series Free”, and what a standing desk can do for you. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include why Powell’s Books is pulling out of Amazon, what tips Chris Fox has for making your characters feel real, what’s next for Spotify, why publishers booksellers and authors are joining forces against Amazon, and how self confidence can help you grow as an author. Question of the Week: Do you think Amazon warrants some kind of anti-trust action and should be split up into different companies to further competition? And how might that affect self publishing in the years going forward?

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