The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice

Hosted ByBryan Cohen & H. Claire Taylor

Authors, are you struggling to get the word out about your books? Discover the latest book marketing and publishing news, tools and strategies. This is the Sell More Books Show with Jim Kukral and Bryan Cohen. Every week you'll get helpful tips and ideas to make your book sales soar. Visit for detailed show notes and more info.

Episode 287 – Amazon Giveaways, Abolishing Likes, and Bookshop

What do you think motivates Amazon to make changes to its promotion programs? Episode 300 is coming! Bryan is recovering after an intense Amazon Ads 5-day challenge. This week’s Happy Books Review Winner is Eric Warren. Thank you to our featured Patrons: The Busy Busy Author, Dead Still, and Achieve Anything In Just One Year. The Top Tips of the week include how podcasts may be your way to the top, what are the benefits of connecting with the final product instead of the work in progress, and how to find your niche and how to spread it around. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include how Bookshop will bring back bookstores, how libraries can actually be helpful to book sales, why is Facebook hiding your likes, why Author Mark Dawson is on a new journey, and how Amazon is changing in drastic ways. Question of the Week: Why do you think Amazon got rid of Giveaways and the Matchbook program?

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