The Book Project

Hosted ByAlanna McMullen

The Book Project is a fortnightly podcast dedicated to the discussion of a range of book-related topics from today's trends, controversies, must-reads, and other topics in the field of publishing. The Book Project is hosted by Master's of Publishing student Sarah Corsie, and is for publishers, editors, and those who simply love books as much as we do. (Previously known as Project: Room.)

Episode #17: Beach Book Bag

Summer is here! The Book Project shares our hot picks for summer beach reads, covering topics from the way we talk to each other to reconnecting with our earliest celebrity role models. We also touch on a recent book promotion fail, and revisit our retro love of magazines.

Books featured in this episode:

We Are Never Meeting in Real Life: Essays by Samantha Irby

You’re the Only One I Can Tell: Inside the Language of Women’s Friendships by Deborah Tannen

All the Lives I Want: Essays About My Best Friends Who Happen to be Famous Strangers by Alana Massey

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxane Gay

Find The Book Project on Facebook for more summer reads.

This episode can be found on iTunes.

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