Ep 466: M.A. Wardell and A.J. Truman Take Us to “Marshmallow Mountain”

Jeff & Will kick off the show by celebrating the podcast’s ninth anniversary!

They also recommend the movie musical “Glitter and Doom.” Jeff reviews “I’ll Have What He’s Having” by Adib Khorram and “Marshmallow Mountain” by M.A. Wardell and A.J. Truman.

M.A. (aka Matt) and A.J. talk to Jeff about their first time collaboration for “Marshmallow Mountain.” They discuss how they met and how online friendship turned into becoming co-writers. Matt and A.J. share the inspirations for Marsh and Data, how their writing styles for humor, emotions, and spiciness blended together, and how they went from writing a standalone book to writing a series.

Complete show notes for episode 466 along with a transcript of the show are at BigGayFictionPodcast.com.

Look for the next episode of Big Gay Fiction Podcast on Monday, November 18.

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