Professional Book Nerds

We're not just book nerds. We're professional book nerds! We are staff librarians who work at OverDrive, the leading app for eBooks and audiobooks from public libraries and schools. It's our job to discuss books all day long so we thought, "Why not share the conversation!" Hear about the best books we've read, get recommendations, and learn about the hottest books coming out that we can't wait to dive into. Titles discussed are available to borrow through public libraries. Get started reading at and subscribe to our podcast today!

Ep. #136 – B. A. Paris, author of The Breakdown

On today’s episode, Adam is joined by #1 bestselling author B. A. Paris whose debut novel, Behind Closed Doors, became an instant international sensation. Her latest novel, The Breakdown, is being released on July 18th and is already garnering massive amounts of buzz and praise. 

During their chat, B. A. discussed the difference between writing her first novel as a complete unknown and writing her second with the expectations of so many readers and what is was like to experience her whirlwind journey to becoming a bestseller. Adam and B. A. spoke about how she finds her ideas in normal everyday experiences as well as the books she read growing up. 

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 Podcast Overview
We’re not just book nerds: we’re professional book nerds and the staff librarians who work at OverDrive, the leading app for eBooks and audiobooks available through public libraries and schools. Hear about the best books we’ve read, get personalized recommendations, and learn about the hottest books coming out that we can’t wait to dive into. For more great reads, find OverDrive on Facebook and Twitter.

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