
Overdue is a podcast about the books you've been meaning to read. Join Andrew and Craig each week as they tackle a new title from their backlog. Classic literature, obscure plays, goofy children’s books: they'll read it all, one overdue book at a time.

Ep 075 – The Hairy Ape, by Eugene O’Neill

“I’m a hairy ape, get me? And I’ll bust youse in de jaw if you don’t lay off kiddin’ me.”

When Eugene O’Neill wants to get his point across, he leaves nothing to chance. In his 1922 work of expressionist theatre,The Hairy Ape, the four-time Pulitzer Prize winner spells out exactly how you’re supposed to feel about the dehumanizing effects of Capitalism and industry. Men resemble gorillas, crowd after crowd spurn individuals, and a chilling ending leaves us wondering where any of us belong.

Join us as we talk about O’Neill’s family life, butcher some key facts about his life, and take a trip to the monkey house.

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