We talk with deep sea explorer Edith Widder about Below the Edge of Darkness: A Memoir Of Exploring Light And Life In The Deep Sea.

Then, we revisit our 2017 interview with Sy Montgomery about the book she so-authored with Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Tamed And Untamed: Close Encounters of the Animal Kind.

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Edith Widder

Fireflies do it. So does the tiny bristle mouth fish and the appropriately named stoplight fish, along with countless other denizens of our deep oceans. Produce light, that is, or bioluminescence.

Edith Widder is one of the world’s leading experts on the phenomenon of marine bio-luminescence. She was also the first person to get moving images of the legendary giant squid.

In her thrilling memoir, Below the Edge of Darkness, Widder describes the wonders of the deep ocean as she pursues her questions about one of the most important and widely used forms of communication in nature. In the process, she reveals hidden worlds and a dazzling menagerie of behaviors and animals, from microbes to leviathans, many never before seen.

Below the Edge of Darkness urges us to pay attention to what we are learning about this least explored part of Earth’s biosphere before it’s too late.

Watch Edith Widder’s TED talk about finding the giant squid

Sy Montogmery

In 2017, we spoke with Sy Montgomery, famed author of The Soul of an Octopus, about a collection of essays she and Elizabeth Marshall Thomas wrote, Tamed and Untamed: Close Encounters of the Animal Kind.

Click here to read more about the book.

The post Edith Widder, BELOW THE EDGE OF DARKNESS & Sy Montgomery, TAMED & UNTAMED appeared first on Writer's Voice.

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