Chris Yogerst: The Warner Brothers

The Warner Brothers by Chris Yogerst, Foreword by Michael Uslan – University Press of Kentucky – Hardcover – 9780813198019 – 360 pages – $34.95 -September 5, 2023. eBook and audio book versions are also available at lower prices.

My grandfather, Jacob Wilk, worked for Warner Brothers as their east coast representative for almost thirty years, and my father wrote for television and film, as well as books, some of which were about Hollywood. I grew up on stories about “the old days” of Hollywood and my grandfather’s lifelong love of theater and film. He died when I was five years old, so any book that might offer even tidbits about his life and work is always of interest to me. But even beyond my personal connection to WB, stories about the Jewish immigrants who almost all rose from poverty to become the creators of so much of modern American cultural experience are compelling for me to read about.

There have been any number of books written about the rise (and fall) of the Hollywood studios. I think Chris’s book stands out for a number of reasons. Yogerst details the story of the Warner family’s journey from Poland to midwestern America, and then its leap into the emerging movie business, where their success was built not only on risk taking, but the combined talents of its various family members. And Warner consistently took risks both in business and in the content of its films. More than any other film studio or production company, Warner represented the cultural dynamism and more than most the energy driven by the changes of the twentieth century.

The seventy-five year arc of this book documents the complicated Warner family along with its cinematic output and engagement with American culture, politics and world events. Of all the books about the glory years of Hollywood, I think this one might be the best. It was a great pleasure for me to talk to Chris about the book and to listen to what he has to say about the Warner brothers first hand. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

Chris Yogerst is also author of Hollywood Hates Hitler! Jew-Baiting, Anti-Nazism, and the Senate Investigation into Warmongering in Motion Pictures and From the Headlines to Hollywood: The Birth and Boom of Warner Bros. He is an associate professor of communication in the Department of Arts and Humanities at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. Find him on Twitter @chrisyogerst as well as Instagram and Facebook @cyogerst.

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The post Chris Yogerst: The Warner Brothers first appeared on WritersCast.

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