Special guest Ellis (and her shadow) joins the Book Squad this week for our discussion of Holly Black’s adult debut, Book of Night. We dig into the novel’s magic system, adult vs. YA fantasy writing, character development, and how we felt about the ending. Check out The Time Traveler’s Wife series on HBO before our next Othersode on June 27th. Then read along with us for our next Bookpisode about Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka on July 11th. Send listener feedback to thesquad@booksquadgoals.com and don’t forget to leave us a rating and review!
:30–welcome Ellis! And icebreaker
7:20–Book intro
9:30–the magic system
32:18–adult v YA writing
45:11–character development
56:10–what about the ending
1:11:50–lucipurr, ratings
1:19:00–live sundial feedback!
1:24:00–what’s on the blog? What’s up next?