“Bookaccino Live”: Our Reviewers’ Top Book Picks of 2023

Carol Fitzgerald and Tom Donadio talk to eight Bookreporter reviewers about their top three books of 2023. Narrowing their selections down to just three was a challenge for all of them!

You can see the books that they discussed, along with their covers, here: https://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/Bookaccino_Live_Special_Event_Bookreporter_Reviewers_Share_Their_Favorite_Books_of_2023.pdf

The order in which they appear: Norah Piehl, Harvey Freedenberg, Rebecca Munro, Pamela Kramer, Ray Palen, Eileen Zimmerman Nicol, Kate Ayers and Stuart Shiffman. A list of all of our reviewers’ Best of 2023 will be available on December 15th on Bookreporter.com.

Our Latest “Bookreporter Talks To” Interviews:

Douglas Brunt: https://youtu.be/IDCvXA0uTtQ

Tess Gerritsen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s885KBtDOsY

Jessica Knoll: https://youtu.be/Tbfe3JckjhI

Sharon Virts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3apzsRDXCI

William Kent Krueger: https://youtu.be/Msr6r9J_-PY

Jean Kwok: https://youtu.be/zi5aAQBvX6g

Our Latest “Bookaccino Live” Book Group Events:

Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan: https://youtu.be/A4t2w8dat7c

Alice Elliott Dark: https://youtu.be/4fgncFSfeM0

Laura Dave: https://youtu.be/fD82fbLJ1Pg

Kristin Hannah: https://youtu.be/p4dVHdVZC3I

Allison Pataki: https://youtu.be/7HmJlMd0V1A

Fiona Davis: https://youtu.be/DT-XR5ue_5Q

Nita Prose: https://youtu.be/f_Ev0KN8z2M

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Art Credit: Tom Fitzgerald

Edited by Jordan Redd Productions

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