88 Cups of Tea

Love all things upbeat, warm, and uplifting? Welcome to 88 Cups of Tea, an online platform and podcast for creative writers who look for guidance in their storytelling journey and connection to a community, fostering year-round conversations around the personal and professional life of a writer. Our podcast episodes and online essays and articles explore and unpack conversations that touch on topics like overcoming rejections and challenges, querying tips and crafting advice, lifestyle habits that support the heart and the soul, what it means to be Human while navigating a creative path, and more. We pride ourselves in nurturing a supportive environment that aims to encourage, inspire, and entertain. Check out our website 88cupsoftea.com for essays, articles, and access to nearly 200 podcast episodes!

5-Year Anniversary Celebration

Warm welcome to our new listeners, let’s continue and build upon the momentum surrounding the active work to create a just and equitable system for the black community. Head over to our page of resources of recommended learning: https://88cupsoftea.com/learn/

You can follow us on Instagram @88CUPSOFTEA to keep up with our latest posts and Instagram stories where we announce new episodes and essays,  feature our favorite quotes, and host Instagram Story takeovers by some of your favorite authors. So make sure to head over to https://www.instagram.com/88cupsoftea/ so you don’t miss out on the next takeover! 


Curious to hear stories from our listeners about what 88 Cups of Tea means to them? Want to discover the exciting future of 88 Cups of Tea that involves becoming a nonprofit to better serve the storyteller community? Or the four big pillars we’ll be implementing over the next five years? We talk about it all in our special 5-year anniversary episode.

We turned five years old this month! To celebrate this huge milestone, we held a zoom party with our storytellers to reminisce on all the good times we’ve had over the years, celebrate the accomplishments our community has made, and to share the exciting future 88 Cups of Tea has in store. So for today’s episode, we’re sharing the audio recording from that zoom party so you can join in on the festivities.

Throughout the episode, you’ll hear my journey from when the idea of starting 88 Cups of Tea popped into my head, to interviewing my first few guests, to growing into a community full of sportive and inspiring creatives. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look of podcasting around the world and all the work that is done behind each episode. I share some of my most meaningful memories throughout the years and the special interactions I have been so lucky to have with our community and you’ll hear messages directly from a few of our storytellers. And towards the end, I share 88 Cups of Tea’s future of receiving a receiving 501(c)(3) status to better serve the community by launching new initiatives and increasing in-person and online engagement through mentoring, in-depth learning, and community-building.


Win Prizes From Your Favorite Literary Agents

We’ve teamed up with three of your favorite and top most-requested literary agents Joanna Volpe, Suzie Townsend, and Holly Root for special prizes in honor of our milestone anniversary. We’re thrilled to gift three winners from our community with a prize that leaves an inspiring impact on your storytelling journey. Prizes include:

  • A 20-minute phone call with Holly Root to answer your most burning questions about the industry
  • A critique of your query letter and the first five pages of your story by Suzie Townsend
  • A 20-minute phone call with Joanna Volpe along with a critique of your query letter and the first five pages

To enter for a chance to win one of our 5-year anniversary prizes, visit https://88cupsoftea.com/fiveyears to find the link to fill out a submission form. 


Volunteer with 88 Cups of Tea

Over the years, our storytellers have asked how they can help contribute to our podcast through writing, editing, and other creative and practical ways. We are thrilled to announce that we are now accepting volunteers to be a part of our team and to help grow 88 Cups of Tea! 

If you’re interested in volunteering, be sure to fill out our volunteer application form over at https://88cupsoftea.com/fiveyears


Head over to our shownotes page at https://88cupsoftea.com/fiveyears to find the resources and books mentioned in the episode, tweetable quotes, and the timestamps of highlights throughout the conversation.  

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