The Bookstore

Hosted ByBecca & Corinne

It's like a book club, but we actually read the book. Join hosts Becca and Corinne as they recreate their days working and hanging out at their local independent book store.

44.5 โ€“ Tolkien Is Going To Be Fine

A lot of the time we have too much to talk about and we donโ€™t get the chance to discuss all of the book news topics that come our way. Well, not anymore! This week we bring you a digest of the hottest recent book world news from fake news about Kurt Vonnegut, to the latest in dunking on Brett Easton Ellis, weโ€™ve got all of the details and opinions you can handle in under an hour.

Next week we will be discussing and reviewing Heaven by VC Andrews. Find it at your local bookstore or library and shake your head along with us.

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