For January’s prompt, to read a book published in a year ending in 3, Becca had us read The Charioteer by Mary Renault. It was published in 1953 and known for being one of the first popularly published novels about positive homosexual romance. Despite some language differences between two Americans in 2023 and a British woman in 1953, we really loved this story.
For February’s prompt of reading a western or pulp novel, we will first be reading True Grit by Charles Portis (western) and then either Odd Girl Out by Ann Bannon (pulp) or In A Lonely Place by Dorothy B. Hughes (noir). The first two are available on Hoopla, but you can find any at your local bookstore or library and read along with us!
In this episode we also mentioned: Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin The City and the Pillar by Gore Vidal The Awakening by Kate Chopin