What Should I Read Next?

Hosted ByAnne Bogel

What Should I Read Next? is the show for every reader who has ever finished a book and faced the problem of not knowing what to read next. Each week, Anne Bogel, of the blog Modern Mrs Darcy, interviews a reader about the books they love, the books they hate, and the books they're reading now. Then, she makes recommendations about what to read next. The real purpose of the show is to help YOU find your next read.

Ep 80: Books that make you want to skip dinner, work, and the rest of your life

Why is it SO HARD to describe a book you REALLY LOVE? Anne tries to figure it out with today’s guest Cori Jara, a case worker in Eureka CA. Cori is a lifelong reader who loved the written word so much she became a creative writing major. But after college books lost their luster for Cori for a while—reading felt too much likework.So several years ago, shestarted keeping a detailed spreadsheet about what she was choosing to read. That spreadsheet led to an epiphany: she diagnosed why her reading life had gotten dull, and what she coulddoabout it.

In this episode Anne and Cori talk the prosaic, like what it’s like to move to a town with a smaller library, and the unforgettable—like a book that makes you want to skip dinner, bedtime, and the rest of your life until you finish it.

Click over to the podcast website for the full list of titles discussed in this episode, and leave us a comment to let us know what YOU think Cori should read next!

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