Pamela Paul on her role as books editor at The New York Times

Pamela Paul was books editor at the New York Times from 2013 to March 2022 when she became an opinion columnist for the newspaper.    We talk mostly about the role that books editors play in the lifecycle of ‘the book.’ I also whine a fair amount about how I don’t like the fact that she left her position plus we diverge into discussion about Pamela’s recent opinion piece ‘There’s More Than One Way to Ban a Book.’   Topics tackled also include self-censorship in the publishing business (being a terribly perceptive observer of the book world I boldly assert that there must also be self-censorship going on at The Times itself); the importance of enabling all voices to be heard in the grand public debate; identity; Pamela’s confident, informed, smart, pleasant presence on The Review podcast each week; her early ambitions for the books section; how the job changed her; how books are chosen for review; the role of preview editors and publicists; Pamela’s guilt and sense of responsibility; and my love of her voice. 

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