Lenovo has launched a new E Ink device named the Yoga Paper tablet. This makes for a significant development considering that this marks the first time Lenovo has come up with a standalone E Ink device. Earlier, we have seen the company come up with the ThinkBook Plus dual-screen laptop with one of the displays being E Ink, and the other being a conventional LCD LED display. It used to be a 10.8-inch E Ink panel having 4096 levels of pressure sensitivity on the first gen ThinkBook Plus laptop. Lenovo followed that up with a larger 12-inch E Ink display on the second gen ThinkBook Plus.
Such a setup made sense as users could carry on with their normal tasks on the traditional display while using the E Ink display for reading or editing documents. However, Lenovo seems to have a change of mind in between and is no longer offering a dual-screen device, opting instead to launch a dedicated E Ink device instead.
From the images shared via Weibo, the Yoga Paper seems to have a squarish build with the display size being in the vicinity of 10-inch or so. Further, the display looks more like a monitor than an e-reader or tablet. Bezels on the top and sides are slim enough though the chin is considerably thicker. Plus, there is also a groove at the bottom for holding a pen, which again seems to remain attached to the recess by magnetic action.
More details are awaited, so stay tuned.
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The post Lenovo introduces Yoga Paper E Ink tablet first appeared on Good e-Reader.