The 5 Best eBooks About Casinos and Gambling

I’m a real bookworm but have only read one book on gambling and non GamStop casinos: Casino. Huh, isn’t that a movie? Yes, that’s right, that’s a movie. A good one too, starring Robert de Niro, Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone. The film dates from 1995 and may be slightly dated, but if you haven’t seen it yet, do it! It is not for nothing that he gets an 8.2 on IMdB.

Back to the book, I may even still have it on my bookshelf somewhere. The book is also from 1995 and is written by Nicholas Pillegi, who also wrote the script for the film. The book had been written before, but director Scorsese wanted to release the film before the book came.

Another well-known book about casinos is Casino Royale. Huh, isn’t that a movie too? True again, but this film from 2006 has its origins in the first James Bond book that Ian Fleming ever wrote: Casino Royale came out as a book in 1953. I have neither seen the film nor read the book. Maybe I should do one of them after all, since I’m getting more and more into the world of gambling and non GamStop casinos… For more info click here.

But besides the two ‘Usual Suspects’ (also a movie, that has nothing to do with gambling and is also not based on a book), there are many more books that deal with casinos and gambling. Some fiction or read as fiction, like Casino (which is true) and Casino Royale, but there are also plenty of “handbooks” on how to gamble. Which are the best (if we are to believe the experts)?

Burning the Tables in Las Vegas – Ian Anderson

In the 1970s, Anderson wrote Turning the Tables on Las Vegas, a book that was the start of many blackjack careers. After that he disappeared from the radar for years, to come 2002 with Burning the Tables in Las Vegas. Anderson himself was a blackjack player who liked to bet high. Between the two books, he perfected his game, not only in blackjack but also in poker and other life games, as he calls them.

How do you become a blackjack expert? Anderson tells it in his book.

Anderson’s techniques combine elements of math, psychology, and being mentally and physically healthy; that’s his approach to winning. All aspects of the blackjack game are explained in the book.

In addition, he entertains you with anecdotes and stories of his casino adventures around the world. A must-read for anyone who wants to play professional blackjack.

Comped – Bill Kearney

Comped means something like ‘it is paid for you or ‘you get it for free’. In Comped the story of Richie V plays the leading role. You follow the adventures of this High Roller during his short life past casinos and everything they offer him. From limos, suites, and helicopters to penthouses, they will pay for anything for him as long as he gambles.

The book is based on a true story. Bill Kearney spent more than 15 years researching all the gambling stories, reading all the books out there, and concluded that no book tells the truth. He has made the story fictitious because otherwise, every casino would lie before publication. Comped came out in 2001 and is available from Amazon.

Video Poker for the Intelligent Beginner – Bob Dancer

Bob Dancer is a master of video poker and has put his tips and tricks down on paper. The book is the ultimate guide for anyone looking to win at video poker. Bob exposes all his techniques to find the games with the highest returns. In addition, he shows how to use the perfect strategies for the highest profit.

Black Belt in Blackjack – Arnold Snyder

Blackjack is a popular topic to write how-to books on. The tagline of this book is Playing Blackjack as a Martial Art. In 21 chapters (could it be a coincidence?) Snyder takes you into the world of blackjack and teaches you between the lines how to become a professional player.

Snyder is a legendary blackjack player himself and has tips and tricks to help you win some serious money with the popular card game. Whether it’s team play, card keeping or camouflage techniques, you’ll find it all in this book.

Beat the Dealer – Edward O. Thorp

This is also about blackjack, as can be seen from the tagline:  A Winning Strategy for the Game of Twenty-One. In other words, Thorp also wants to teach you how to win a game of blackjack. What sets the book apart from the others is that Thorp is a pro at card counting and has valuable knowledge of the game.

Thorp explains how to win using the points system. And he should know, he has a university degree in mathematics and has been associated with several leading institutions such as MIT.

Winning becomes easy with the tables in the book. And the book has helped generations of blackjack players since it was released in 1966. It is also called the bible of blackjack, and of course, the bible never gets old.

This is also apparent from the fact that an e-book of the book was released in 2016.

Gambling 102 – Mike Shacklefold

The Best Strategies for All Casino Games. Not as comprehensive as the instructive books on one subject, but in 19 chapters, Shacklefold gives the best strategies for the most common casino games. Before this, the writer played in casinos for a year, combining this research with mathematical calculations and computer models.

An explanation of casino games can be found in Gambling 101, 102 takes you a level deeper and shows you how to play the best game with as little effort as possible. So don’t expect basic rules about casino games. Whether you want to play baccarat or video poker, sic bo or craps, the clear and clear explanations are always at hand with this book.

The post The 5 Best eBooks About Casinos and Gambling first appeared on Good e-Reader.

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