How To Study 100 Pages In One Day?

Studying 100 pages in one day? There are several ways to improve your practice performance. There are male and female students who can study many hours a day and be very productive; on the contrary, there are others who, due to lack of time, are able to devote fewer hours to this activity.

The starting principle is that the time spent in front of books does not necessarily equate to a higher quality of learning. The ability to concentrate and an effective study method are crucial in learning. However, there are strategies to speed up the study and improve your performance.

In this guide, we will reveal 5 tricks to help you focus better, manage your time and listen to your needs. Let’s start!

How To Improve Your Productivity To Study Faster

Studying 100 pages in one day takes a lot of effort and willpower, but that’s not impossible. Try to follow our suggestions to see a concrete change and improvement in your performance!

Remove All Distractions To Stay Focused On Your Goal

Eliminating anything that can distract you is one of the first rules if you want to study 100 pages in one day. For this, we recommend that you start by applying these tips:

·       Remove everything superfluous from your desk

Try to clear your mind of thoughts that you don’t need at that moment. It cannot always be simple: for this, you will have to train yourself to maintain concentration on the study and limit the leisure only to moments of pause

·       Turn off notifications from your PC

Set airplane mode on your mobile so you don’t fall for social media temptation

Avoid Multitasking: Dedicate One Thing At A Time

Multitasking means doing multiple things at the same time. Many people want to engage in multiple complex activities at the same time: unfortunately, this is impossible. You can do several simple things at the same time, but complex tasks, like studying, need to be done individually if you want to get good results like studying 100 pages in one day.

The higher your concentration, the better your chances of studying multiple pages in one day. And don’t worry about that essay you still need to write; you can delegate it to an essay writer. Currently, you have one top priority – study 100 pages in one day, all the other tasks must wait if you want to avoid multitasking.

Take Breaks Regularly

When your mind starts to wander, get lost in thought, and get distracted, it means you need to take a break. If you study for a long time, on average more than an hour in a row, your mind begins to strain and require a break.

One way to manage breaks can be to set up a sort of ” roadmap “, defining the moments of study and moments of pause.

Reward Yourself For Recognizing Your Achievements And Motivating Yourself

Many people underestimate the importance of recognizing their successes and rewarding themselves for their achievements.

Indulge in starters every now and then when you manage to achieve your goals. For example, an extra outing, a certain experience, a dinner in a place you like but don’t have the opportunity to frequent often.

Mens Sana In Corpore Sano

Do you know the saying “mens sana in corpore sano”? Having a healthy body also means having a mind that works well.

It does not mean jumping through hoops but simply doing what you can to have a healthy lifestyle. In order to have a healthy lifestyle, you need to work on your habits, and on what you do every day. What are these habits? Here they are:

·       Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night (each person needs a certain amount of sleep per night, so decrease or increase depending on how rested you feel, the important thing is not to ignore sleep!)

·       Drink around 2 liters of water per day

·       Don’t be late, fall asleep early, and wake up early in the morning to be even more productive

·       Follow a balanced, balanced diet containing all macro and micronutrients. Avoid junk food or pre-cooked meals, and limit takeaway food

·       Do physical activity, moderate and intense, every day, alternating, for example, brisk 30-minute walks with a bike ride or a run. Even playing your favorite sport with friends can help you switch off and get your focus back

Our tips on how to study 100 pages in one day are over: have you already had the opportunity to experience them?

The post How To Study 100 Pages In One Day? first appeared on Good e-Reader.

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