Katie DePaola on How Death & Disease Helped Her Build Her Business
Katie DePaola is an entrepreneur, author and the founder of Inner Glow Circle. Exactly one hundred days after opening her business, Katie’s brother died from an accidental overdose. Also a Lyme Disease survivor, she built her business from her bathtub, taking the company from self-funded startup to million-dollar business. Katie has turned her greatest challenges into her greatest opportunities and says her business is what saved her life. Through certification programs, memberships and online courses, Katie has taught thousands of women how to “glow through what they go through.” In this episode, we dove deep into things I’ve silently pondered forever…like if people who wonder why we’re all on this planet are smarter or just more depressed than others, whether or not shifting your mindset is a decision or moment of grace and of course the role struggle plays in success. We also decided to become friends. Don’t miss this one! Well, don’t miss any of them. But especially don’t miss this one. Should you be sharing your story? Take the quiz to find out: www.futureauthorquiz.com or https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/5d168d0f1d45c90014e00b0b