John Bidwell on the Morgan Library’s Collection
John BidÂwell is Astor CurÂator of PrinÂted Books and BindÂings at thePierÂpont MorÂgan LibÂrary, before which he was CurÂator of Graphic Arts in the PrinÂceton UniÂverÂsity LibÂrary. He has writÂten extensÂively on the hisÂtory of paperÂmakÂing in EngÂland and America.Â
The PrinÂted Books and BindÂings colÂlecÂtion at the MorÂgan conÂtains works spanÂning WestÂern book proÂducÂtion from the earliÂest prinÂted ephÂemÂera to importÂant first ediÂtions from the twenÂtiÂeth cenÂtury. HoldÂings encomÂpass a large numÂber of high points in the hisÂtory of printÂing, often exemÂpliÂfied by a lone surÂvivÂing copy or a copy that is perÂfect in every way. Areas of strength include incunÂables, early children’s books, fine bindÂings, and illusÂtrated books.Â
The colÂlecÂtion is founÂded upon acquisÂiÂtions of PierÂpont MorÂgan, who sought to estabÂlish in the United States a libÂrary worthy of the great European colÂlecÂtions. Among the highÂlights are three GutenÂberg Bibles, works by Lord Byron, Charles DickÂens, Edgar Allan Poe, John Ruskin, Mark Twain, HerÂman Melville, and WilÂliam MorÂris, and clasÂsic early children’s books. The Carter BurÂden ColÂlecÂtion of AmerÂican LitÂerÂatÂure, a major 1998 gift, strengthens the Morgan’s twentieth-century holdÂings with authors such as Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, VladiÂmir Nabokov, GerÂtrude Stein, and TenÂnessee Williams.Â
I talk with John BidÂwell about the colÂlecÂtion, what it conÂtains, how it was acquired.